• Setting primary ARS Administration Server

    We're running two instances of ARS for redundancy and fail over but we're running into issues with debugging, replication, etc because it bounces between the servers when someone connects to the WI. 

    Is there a way to force the IIS server to only…

  • authOrig Errors

    Using WI, we are not able to set authOrig, as it gives us this error:


    • Administrative Policy returned an error. One or more values have incorrect format.


    In our 6.9 instance it works just fine, but in our 7.0 instance it only gives this error on the…

  • Adding contacts to a distribution list

    Using ARS 7 through the web interface, users are unable to search for contacts when adding objects to a distribution list. Users can find the contact in the global search, click the contact's "member of" and add the group that way but when adding a contact…

  • ARS 7 CSS Issues

    We've had this problem ever since we've installed ARS 7, we're about to push this out into production but this issue arises every so often. The dynamic CSS of the web interface makes some of the div's on the page huge, like 10000px wide and you get a…

  • Access template permissions after group add/removal

    We're working on implementing ARS 7.0 (clean install) after having 6.9 for quite awhile. We've kind of hit a snag with our elevated permissions.


    We have workstation support that uses temporal membership to "elevate" themselves into a group that…

  • Updating EDS_CONTROL_OBJECT_DN Not Working - ARS 7

    I've created a workstation deprovisioning policy, this policy changes properties, disabled and moves a workstation to a deprovisioned OU. This isn't a form policy, it's an attribute setter command. It flips a boolean to true which kicks off the policy…