• Trigger Workflow on Computer Domain Join


    *Disclaimer* I am still really new to workflows, so I apologize if this is a stupid question or has been answered already.

    I am in the very early stages on designing a workflow that would modify a virtual attribute on computer objects with a value…

  • Policy error returned on task approval


    I've an ARS farm with 2 servers, SERVER1 and SERVER2, they are accessed by an alias prd-ars.domain.com 

    I've set approval by primary owner on one group and modified the policy (Approval by Primary Owner (Manager)) to send notifications with…

  • Quickconnect Deprovision from DB2 Table to Active Roles

    Source System: DB2 Table

    Destination: Active Roles Server

    I have the synchronization service read data from a table. This table is formed by user submission to deprovision accounts. From the sync server, I send a deprovision job over to Active Roles…

  • Workflow to add a user to an Admin group, then automatically remove them in X days.

        Management has asked that we limit the time a user is a member of the Enterprise Admins group.  I am copying a workflow that we use for approval of membership in the Domain Admins group, however I see no way to add a time component to the workflow.  Is…