• HistoryDB / DBQueue does not process any entries

    Hi ,
    after the first problem has been solved, historization does not seem to be going smoothly. We are using version 8.0.3. 

    If we start the schedule "Import process information directly" manually, the job "VI_SourceDatabase_Import" is set…

  • History DB / How to configure HDB to use more than one database for history


    we ask ourselves, how do we progress in the following question - how to configure the history db to use more than one database. 

    Our goal is to build a history db for every year.  

    • HDB1 for 2019
    • HDB2 for 2020
    • HDB3 for 2021

    In the end there should…

  • Declaring the HistoryDb

    I have been looking into configuring an archiving solution for our Q1IM 6.0.2 implementation to aid in the rapidly expanding history information that is filling the database.  Currently our jobhistory table has surpassed 10 million rows and I believe it…