• Setting up web server that is running on AKS - oneidentity/oneim-web


    I set up servers on ACR and AKS

    When I try to login to web server with the viadmin or user that I created during the DB initialization, I get error wrong password or user. When I try to create a new one from the portal I get:

    An error occurred…
  • AWS ECS Fargate and private.key for jobserver container


    we are planning to run the docker jobserver container on AWS ECS Fargate.

    Providing parameters like CONNSTRING is not a problem.

    However providing the container with a file (private.key) is a bit cumbersome as you need to mount it through EFS.

    Is it…

  • Updating ADSAccount Container when disabled

    Hope all are doing well and keep healthy.

    A quick query. We want to move the AD account to different Container / OU before disabling a user. How do I configure this when a Person is disabled (temp or permanent)?
    I believe I've to edit the ADS_ADAccount_Update…