• Angular Portal Remove Automatic selection of authentication module

    Hi all,

    We are using One Identity Manager OnDemand version 9.2.1 with the new Angular Portal.

    The only authentication module we enabled for the users to login is the OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect (role-based). However, when the users try to login in the Password…

  • Password Reset Portal - Hide decentralized identity password


    I'm currently using One Identity Manager 9.2 on demand.

    I have customized the "QER_PasswordWeb_IsAllowSet" script to hide certain account passwords, and now I also need to hide the Decentralized Identity password.
    My goal is to allow…

  • Password Reset Portal customization


    I would like to ask for some information regarding the customization of the Password Reset Portal.

    We are using One Identity on Demand v. 9.2, and in the Password Reset Portal, we have a list of passwords to change: the centralPassword and then…

  • Operations support / Can't generate passcodes

    Hi there, I wish you a happy and healthy new year Slight smile

    I have a following question (or a problem):

    My admin-Identity has the AERoles Base roles\Operations support and Base roles\Operations support\Password helpdesk. Now I log in into the operations support…

  • Modifying CAPTCHA agent character generation (Password Manager Portal)


    Is there a way to limit the characters for the CAPTCHA agent security code when authenticating into the Password Manager portal?  Customer wants to remove ambiguous characters such as capital "O" and zero "0". 

  • Password Reset Portal (Angular) - Is it possible to reset the CentralPassword?

    Hi there, we found out, that the password reset in the new password reset portal only resets the DialogUserPassword. Not the CentralPassword.

    But we want to be able to publish the CentralPassword to Active Directory User Accounts too.

    In this old thread…

  • Multiple password policies for same object (ADSAccount)

    Is there a way to apply multiple password policies to the same object, for example, ADSAccount?  Customer wants to implement different password policies for different types of AD accounts defined via group membership. 

  • How can I set Person.Password attribute manually which is related Password Reset Web?

    I tried to set a cleartext password for Person.Password attribute (exp:Passw0rd1.) But when I tried "I have a passcode" function on Password Reset Web page, I faced an error "Failed to authenticate user: Not yet implemented -> [Hash function for key Passw0rd1…

  • Predefine Secret Question on Password Reset Portal

    I have Password reset portal installed on 8.1.5. It's allowing the user to set his own Secret question and answer. Is it possible that we predefine the questions on the system and let user set the answer?

  • How to get to Password Reset Portal from sign-in Windows 10?

    Good day!

    How to get to Password Reset Portal from sign-in form in Windows 10?

  • How to hash the security answers?

    Hello everyone,

    I want to hash the security answer of an employee to compare to the table QERPasswordQueryAndAnswer, someone knows how to hash the string?

    Or if has a better way to compare the answers to the database?

    Thank you,

    Vinicius Floriano

  • Identity Manager Reset Password Portal and API

    I´m trying to understand and use the One Identity Manager Reset Password and after install the web portal, I can´t find the script CreatePassCode, I believe that this script are used to reset the passcode in the web api.

    Someone knows how…

  • Redirect URI for Password Web Portal


    We are using One Identity Manager version 8.1.3 and have configured Password Web Portal with Oauth/OpenID(role based) authentication module. Once we authenticate the use ragainst openid, it is redirecting the user to home page instead of redirecting…

  • Domain migration


    We migrated to a new environment from XXX to YYY and for this reason, we lost our AppServer, IdentityManager, and PasswordReset url. 

    Have we have to reinstall all again or could we import any configuration to solve this issue?.

    Please any help will…

  • New user certification attestation policy



    A External user registering on portal. 

    After, external user approver approved request and the external user, after click link in received email, can't submitted the request. 


  • Change language for Password Web Poratllanguagepassword ppa


    We have a requirement for changing the language of Password Web Portal to some other language that is not English.

    We understand that in Identity Portal the language gets changed according to the language of the logged in User, but how can this…

  • How to allow Password Reset Portal to reset users one time password which is set in AD?


    We are using verison 8.0 and we are trying to allow user to reset his/her one time password which was set when user was provisioned in AD. We are setting "User must change password" when we are provisioning user in AD and in password reset portal…

  • Generating Passcode emails

    Hey all, 

    What would be the most efficient way for account admins to either reset the password on user accounts, or generate a passcode to them to send them to set their password?

    I setup the password self service for them, but for admins to manually…

  • Can we set multiple security question and answers for the user?


    In web portal, I am able to set only one security question and the answer for the same. Is there any configuration that I need to do to have multiple security questions and answers for the same?

  • unable to login to Password Reset Portal using "Active Directory" authentication module


    I am trying to login to Password Reset web portal using "Active Directioy" (tried all combination of AD authentication modules) authentication module but in some cases it is throwing error user cannot be determined and for Active Directory (manual…

  • Password Reset Portal and API (v8.0.1)

    Hey all,

    Can anyone speak to whether a method or script is exposed via the API that would allow for retrieving a passcode for a person? While the current experience in the password reset portal is a great feature, I am looking to see if I can mock up a solution…

  • Error in Integrating Password reset portal to Web Portal

    Hi ,

    I am using Identity Manager v8.

    I have configured " Employee(Role Based)" as authentication module in my web portal and want to integrate it to Password Reset Portal. I have installed Password reset portal and it is working fine if we directly access…