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Industry Trends and the Importance of Unified Identity Security

Industry Trends and the Importance of Unified Identity Security
Sob demanda
  • Data gravada:Sept. 19, 2023
  • Evento:Sob demanda
Industry Trends and the Importance of Unified Identity Security

Enterprise attack surfaces continue to evolve through cloud-based infrastructure, the proliferation of connected devices, and reliance on third-party solutions.

New vulnerabilities are emerging every day from security gaps in the software supply chain to use of AI and cybercriminals are being proactive in exploiting them. Comprehensive Identity Security is a critical element to containing these new risks but maintaining best practices for a robust IAM strategy using multiple security tools has never been more challenging.

This session will address how to reduce human error, avoid gaps and overlaps of your different IAM tools, and bring your security strategy in-line with the challenges of today and tomorrow's cyber threats.

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