Synchronization Service - Step Handlers


We just recently implemented the Active Roles Synchronization Service in our organization to aid in employee onboarding.

I am wondering what the "Step Handlers" can be used for? The documentation says the following:

"Sync workflow step handlers allow you to automatically perform custom actions either before running a workflow step or after the workflow step run results have been committed (written) to the data system. Out of the box, Synchronization Service includes a single predefined handler type that can automatically execute your custom PowerShell script and thus perform the desired action."


I was hoping to be able to use this to read the data collected from our HR software, check a specific attribute we are receiving from that system, and if it is set to a specific value, trigger an alert.

I tried using the $Srcobj hash table that is detailed in the documentation, but this appears to be only be available in the "Creation Rules".

Is there a way to reference objects in the source location from scripts running in the "Step Handlers" step?



  • Todd,

    You can use "$dstObj" to reference the target object. For example:


  • Hi Terrance,

    Thank you!

    Can you reference any target object attribute? Or only attributes that are set to be synced?

  • I'm pretty sure the attribute has to be "mapped" in the workflow step if you want to reference it via the $DstObj hash table.

  • Hey, 

    So I tested this out, it appears to be able to reference any attribute, not just ones set for synchronization.

    I tested with the deprovision status attribute. I queried for it's value and was able to send an email based on it's value.

    This is really handy for our case!

  • Just as a follow up to this, 's response resolved our issue. From his sample script I was able to craft my own.

    I can definitely recommend this is a good solution.

  • Hello everyone from Rainy California !.  Great information on this discussion.  I have a similar but different scenario and I am trying to determine if ARSS can perform the task.  Here is the overview.

    We currently Sync users from AD to Azure AD and M365 using the connectors.  When new users are created by a provision workflow step, I then need to run afterwards, a completely separate few lines of Azure AD powershell against each created user.  I am not sure if this can be done by trying to use the $destObj and if so, where to place this code to run it.  Any advice or links to samples or information would be great if you have any ideas.

    I was trying to find more examples on Step Handlers as a post step.  I was also not sure if each of the 3 lines of pshell below need to be a separate step in the step handler, or just 1 step with all the code together.  I guess I'm just trying to sort out what, where,. how.

    Here is the detail:

    Users source from Active Directory

    1.  Run a workflow step that provisions new users in the destination (Azure AD)

    Each user has a unique 8 character ID that we place to the left of the @ sign on the UPN

    Each users email address is included when the user is created.

    I was thinking that variable to get the UPN and Mail by $destObj but not sure how or where to try it.

    2.  Once the Azure AD user is created, I need to run this code.  However, I am not sure how or where to try and run it within ARSS steps, handlers, etc.

    Example of 1 user:

    #STEP 1: Set Variable to collect the existing Azure AD user.
    $ADGraphUser = Get-AzureADUser -objectID

    #STEP 2: Set Variable for msgraph
    $msGraphUser = New-Object Microsoft.Open.MSGraph.Model.User -ArgumentList $ADGraphUser.ObjectId

    #STEP 3: convert member to external member
    New-AzureADMSInvitation -InvitedUserEmailAddress -SendInvitationMessage $False -InviteRedirectUrl -InvitedUser $msGraphUser

    Any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated.  Thank you for your time.