Using Active Roles Management Shell in WinPE

We are using Acitve Roles 7.0.  I maintain the Windows Imaging task sequences.  During the task sequence the tech is prompted for the computer name and the domain to join.  

I have copied the "C:\Program Files\Dell\Active Roles\7.0\Shell" folder and I am copying it to WinPE during the task sequence and importing the modules using the same commands found in "ManagementShell.ps1".  It works for the most part... I can get-QADComputer, and some other tasks, but I'm having trouble getting the New-QADComputer command to create the computer account in some cases.

For example the code below works for DOMAIN1.  But not for DOMAIN2.  When I use DOMAIN2, it will successfully run the "Connect-QADService", but it throws an error when it runs the "New-QADComputer" command saying "New-QADComputer : Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password."

I'm not sure what what I'm missing or maybe is there an easier way?  I've been searching for the best way to do this, but I haven't come up with much.  Any advice is welcome.

Here's the code I'm using:

$DCFQDN = (Get-ADDomainController -Discover -DomainName "DOMAIN1.COM").Hostname[0].tostring()

 $JoinAccount = "DOMAIN1\JoinAccount"

 $creds = get-credential -UserName "$JoinAccount" -Message "Enter Creds"

Connect-QADService -Service $DCFQDN -Credential $creds

 New-QADComputer -name 'TestClient1' -SamAccountName 'TestClient1$' -ParentContainer ‘OU=Win10,OU=Clients,DC=domain1,DC=com' -ObjectAttributes @{edsaJoinComputerToDomain=$JoinAccount} -Credential $creds -Connection $QADConnection
