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Web SSO - v802

Trying to test SSO connectivity after upgrading to v8.0.2. Made the following changes

- Authn module - Active directory user account (role based)

- Updated the QER\WebPortal\BaseURL

Below is the error i see in the logs

2018-12-11 09:45:41.2555  INFO (    WebLog gfbbddew5mfu1vshzf4no0an) : Module instance created: VI_Session

2018-12-11 09:45:41.2711  INFO (    WebLog gfbbddew5mfu1vshzf4no0an) : Session gfbbddew5mfu1vshzf4no0an started

2018-12-11 09:45:41.2711  INFO (    WebLog gfbbddew5mfu1vshzf4no0an) : Authenticating session using RoleBasedADSAccount

2018-12-11 09:45:42.3024  WARN (    WebLog gfbbddew5mfu1vshzf4no0an) : System.Exception: Single-sign-on failed, URL was /IdentityManager/ ---> System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> VI.Base.ViException: Failed to authenticate user. ---> VI.Base.ViException: The current user could not be determined.

Checked F5 logs as well and it seems like the servers are not even attempting to hit F5 configured URL

Please advise