Web Designer: Employees for whom a request can be placed

i'm trying to customize the web portal in a way tha allows different groups of users to place requests on behalf of defined users. The SQL is getting a bit advanced and i'm trying to figure out how to do what I want. In the code below i'm using case-when to define the groups of users with request-permissions, but the THEN-clauses are causing me trouble. Are there a better way to do this than my attempt?

-- Employees for whom a request can be placed
uid_person in ( 
select uid_person from QER_VEditEmployee where uid_personhead like
    WHEN --ProductOwner
       (EXISTS (select 1 from personinaerole where uid_person = '%useruid%' and UID_AERole in (select uid_aerole from aerole where uid_parentaerole like 'QER-AEROLE-ITSHOPADMIN-OWNER')))
	THEN --Show everyone who can order the products owned by %useruid%
    WHEN --ShelfOwner
       (EXISTS (select 1 from ITShopOrg where uid_personhead = '%useruid%'))
    THEN --Show everyone with access to the selves owned by %useruid%
    WHEN --ServiceDesk (Member of permission group OrderOnBehalfExceptX)
           select 1 from personinaerole pa
           join aerole a on pa.uid_aerole = a.uid_aerole
           join DialogGroupCollection dgc on a.uid_dialoggroup = dgc.uid_dialoggroup
           where dgc.uid_dialogGroupParent = 'CCC-B151339FAAD674499565EAC010DD1AAB'
           and pa.uid_person = '%useruid%'
    THEN -- Show everyone except X (Person.CCC_XIsInActive = '1')
    WHEN --ServiceDesk X (Member of permission group OrderOnBehalfX)
           select 1 from personinaerole pa
           join aerole a on pa.uid_aerole = a.uid_aerole
           join DialogGroupCollection dgc on a.uid_dialoggroup = dgc.uid_dialoggroup
           where dgc.uid_dialogGroupParent = 'CCC-04881080D4C98C48BB734763FCD4D84E'
           and pa.uid_person = '%useruid%'
    THEN -- Show X (Person.CCC_XIsInActive = '0')
    WHEN --ServiceDesk and ServiceDesk X (Member of permission groups OrderOnBehalfExceptX + OrderOnBehalfX)
           select 1 from personinaerole pa
           join aerole a on pa.uid_aerole = a.uid_aerole
           join DialogGroupCollection dgc on a.uid_dialoggroup = dgc.uid_dialoggroup
           where dgc.uid_dialogGroupParent in ('CCC-04881080D4C98C48BB734763FCD4D84E','CCC-B151339FAAD674499565EAC010DD1AAB')
           and pa.uid_person = '%useruid%'
    THEN -- Show everyone
    ELSE --Regular manager, show everyone with QER_VEditEmployee.PersonHead = %useruid%