Invalid Schema Query for EX0MailboxDatabase when multiple EX0Servers are present

Coming across an issue with the schema query used by One Identity for EX0MailboxDatabase.

The environment is:

OneIM version 8.1.1

Exchange connector (Exch Server 2016 template)

Looking at the trace logs, the query it uses to query the EX0MailboxDatabase table is:

select XObjectKey, UID_EX0MailBoxDatabase, Name, xmarkedfordeletion from EX0MailBoxDatabase where (((ObjectKeySrvOrDAG = (select XObjectKey from ex0server where exchangeversion = '2016')) and ((UID_EX0Organization in (select UID_EX0Organization from EX0Organization where ((Name = 'Fulton Hogan Group')) and ((1=1))))))) order by Name

This throws the error "Database error 512: Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression."

The offending part of the SQL query used looks to be (((ObjectKeySrvOrDAG = (select XObjectKey from ex0server where exchangeversion = '2016'))

Has anyone come across this and have a resolution?