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Viewing permission denied for value "service item" in newly installed 7.1 Web Portal

This is a newly installed instance of version 7.1 in a client environment. The permission error happens for all groups when the owner goes to manage them through System Entitlements in the web portal. It affects the Overview, Master Data and Memberships tabs:


  • Same situation here is this a bug?
  • Michele,

    Just to give an update: I found in each of my test environments that this always happened if I extended the ADSGroup table. If I left it with the default columns (or deleted the custom columns I added), everything works as it should. So, yes, I do think this is a bug.

    Here is the command you can use in SQL to properly delete any custom columns you have added to that table (which I understand is not the best solution, but the only thing I could get to work):

    exec QBM_PColumnDrop 'ADSGroup','CCC_customColumnName'

  • Hi Kyle,
    did you add viewing permissions to your custom column?
    And link those viewing permissions with people?
    And if you want to edit that column, you have to add this too!
    See the documentation:

  • Geraldine,

    Yes. All of those things are standard when you add new columns to a table. I have added many columns to many tables in this particular instance, as well as many other implementations.

    The behavior in this case only occurs when extending the ADSGroup table in version 7.1. I verified this in several environments, all running 7.1, all with appropriate permissions and the same error occurred. The only fix was to remove these columns from the ADSGroup table. I have not tried this in 7.1.1 to see if the issue still occurs.