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Add Managed Unit to Self Service Site


Can someone tell me how to add a managed unit to self-service webportal in ARS?

I also need to add the search option to the self-service site.

Any assistance is appreciated.

I have both 6.9 and 7 that i use to manage separate domains.

We plan to move to 7 for the other but have not got there yet.

Thank you,


  • Johnny,
    I was able to copy the web site and remove all items from the new site.
    Can you tell me if you have any methods for a membership rule that will state Primary Owners.

    Essentially I want a managed unit that will list all the group the person logged on is primary owner of.
    I have the managed unit and all the ARS Templates for users to view users/group and add / remove if primary owner. Now i just need a way for a user to see a list of all the groups they own. The search method will allow them to find the groups but wanted to see if I can do a little extra and give them a list.
    Thanks again for all your help.

  • Johnny,
    I was able to copy the web site and remove all items from the new site.
    Can you tell me if you have any methods for a membership rule that will state Primary Owners.

    Essentially I want a managed unit that will list all the group the person logged on is primary owner of.
    I have the managed unit and all the ARS Templates for users to view users/group and add / remove if primary owner. Now i just need a way for a user to see a list of all the groups they own. The search method will allow them to find the groups but wanted to see if I can do a little extra and give them a list.
    Thanks again for all your help.

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