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Export-QCWorkflow seems not to be working in ActiveRoles Synch 7.1.2

Although I had no problem exporting a QC workflow in the past (v6.9), it looks like that in a fresh installation of 7.1.2 Export-QCWorkflow returns an error, no matter what I have tried


Export-QCWorkflow : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
At line:9 char:2
+     Export-QCWorkflow -Id $name -Path $file
+     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Export-QCWorkflow], NullReferenceException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ProcessingError,ActiveRoles.SyncService.ManagementShell.Commandlets.ExportWorkflowCmdlet


Any ideas?


  • This looks like a networking error. Perhaps a Wireshark capture would be useful.

    You should also check the Event Viewer logs on the SQL host, as that's the most likely remote host which could be having connectivity issues.
  • This looks like a networking error. Perhaps a Wireshark capture would be useful.

    You should also check the Event Viewer logs on the SQL host, as that's the most likely remote host which could be having connectivity issues.
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