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Active roles assigning duplicate smtp address


Current ARS version deployed :

It is noticed that activeroles assigns duplicate smtp address to newly created mailbox/contacts.

This means that it assigns same email address to object 2 even if it is assigned to object 1

This issue is noticed for mailboxes as well as contacts.

Referred article and issue is described.

Ref :

Request you to please help if there is any hotfix for this





  • Hello,

    Thank you for the reply.
    Exchange will not permit assigning email address if the same is already assigned.

    Could you please help to clarify the statement in the article

    When modifying the mail attribute via the E-mail field in the General tab of the User Properties dialogue, Active Roles does not check if the address is unique, potentially resulting in duplicate email addresses.
  • Hello,

    Thank you for the reply.
    Exchange will not permit assigning email address if the same is already assigned.

    Could you please help to clarify the statement in the article

    When modifying the mail attribute via the E-mail field in the General tab of the User Properties dialogue, Active Roles does not check if the address is unique, potentially resulting in duplicate email addresses.
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