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QARS Workflow New-QADUSER from CSV - Access is Denied

I am calling the script module below from a Workflow in order to create new accounts from a CSV.

When I run the workflow manually (right click and select 'Run') the result is 'Access id Denied'. However, if I run the script in the same user context from the QARS management shell it succeeds.

("Allow the Workflow to be run on demand" is selected).

Any ides on why it doesn't work from the QARS Workflow?

Script Module:

function CreateUserAccounts {$Accounts = Import-Csv -Path “C:\Workday-Test\Joiners.csv”
# connect-qadservice -service KTNAPAPP720 -proxy
$WorkflowInfo = Get-QARSWorkflowInstance -Workflow “CN=Workday Import Joiners,CN=Workday,CN=Workflow,CN=Policies,CN=Configuration” -TaskStatus Pending

$WorkflowID = $WorkflowInfo.ID

$i = 1

foreach ($Account in $Accounts) {
$UserID = $Account.logonname
$Domain = $Account.FQDomain
$UPN = $UserID + “@” + $Domain
$OU = $Account.ou
$Password = $
if ($Account.accountExpires -eq “”) {
$AccountExpires = $Null
else {
$accountExpires = $Account.accountExpires
$Description = $Account.description
$FirstName = $Account.givenName
$LastName = $
$displayName = $Lastname + “, ” + $FirstName
$i ++
try {
New-QADUser -name $UserID -SamAccountName $UserID -ParentContainer $OU -UserPrincipalName $UPN -UserPassword $Password -Description $Description -FirstName $FirstName -LastName $LastName -displayName $displayName -ObjectAttributes @{VaPso_MailboxType='Regular';VAPso_MsolAccountSku='KTGLBUC:ENTERPRISEPACK'} -ErrorAction Stop
Set-qaduser -identity $upn -usermustchangepassword $true -accountExpires $accountExpires
catch {
$str += “Error occurred while processing Line ” + $i + ” where logonname = ” + $UserID
$str += [System.Environment]::NewLine
$str += $_
$str += [System.Environment]::NewLine
$str += “———————————————————-“
$str += [System.Environment]::NewLine
[System.IO.File]::AppendAllText(“C:\Workday-Test\Logs\Joiners-Logs\UserImport_$WorkflowID.log”, $str)

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  • Yes, it has rights to the CSV file location.. The file location is local to the QARS server from where the console is being run. The account being used is in the local administrators group and running 'View Effective Access' over the folder containing the CSV indicates 'Full Control'.