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Exchange Recipient Policies don't work when enabled with QAD commands.

I'm trying to create a contact and ensure it's mail enabled.  It appears Exchange doesn't recognize the object after it's creation and the policy is never applied.

How do I get QAD posh commands to do this without having to run Exchange commands?

$qadcontact = Get-QADObject -Identity "TESTPOSH" -Type "Contact" -IncludedProperties EmailAddressPolicyEnabled
$qadcontact | Set-QADObject -objectattributes @{"edsva-MsExch-ApplyEmailAddressPolicy"="TRUE"}

I read mention of an Add-QADProxyAddress but I want the default policy in Exchange to do it's work.  

  • This looks like you are not passing commands through Active Roles.

    Any attributes which start with edsva or edsa are virtual or computed attributes which require that commands be proxied through Active Roles in order for them to function properly.

    Try using this cmdlet to proxy commands through Active Roles:

    Connect-QADService -proxy
    $qadcontact = Get-QADObject -Identity "TESTPOSH" -Type "Contact" -IncludedProperties EmailAddressPolicyEnabled
    $qadcontact | Set-QADObject -objectattributes @{"edsva-MsExch-ApplyEmailAddressPolicy"="TRUE"}

  • I'm proxying.  The contact never picks up the change.  If I went to the exchange console and checked the box it would update automatically.

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