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Workflow to execute script on remote server


I am running Active Roles 6.9 and have created a workflow which should execute a PowerShell script on a remote server. If I run the script manually everything works fine. If I use the workflow I receive the message that the workflow executed successfully, but the script does not execute on the remote server. The script I am using is:


function onPreMove($Request)
$User = $Dirobj.get("mail")

#Get's the credentials of the Active Roles Service Account
$Credential = Import-Clixml -Path "D:\TEMP\ARS.cred"

#Creates a connection to the on premise Skype for Business Management server
$Session =New-PSSession -computername Server01 -Authentication Credssp -Credential $Credential
$ScriptsBlock = {
Import-Module lync

#Reads the email address of the user and enables the user account for Skype for Business
$User = $using:User
$User2 = Get-CsAdUser -Filter {WindowsEmailAddress -like $User}
$SipAddres = "sip:" + $User2.WindowsEmailAddress
Enable-CsUser -Identity $User2.Identity -SipAddress $SipAddres -HostingProviderProxyFqdn ""
Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock $ScriptsBlock


Does anyone know if this is supported and or should work? 

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