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Dynamic Bound List Boxes using XML file

I'm trying to implement a Bound List Box following the guidance at the following link -  Hard-coding the possibilities in the script works but I would like to use an XML file as the source for the Level Possibilities.  The issue is that the values change periodically and we would rather update a source XML rather than periodically edit the script itself.  Has anyone modified the script provided in the KB to use an XML rather than hard-coding the values?     

  • Have you tried loading up some variables based on the values in the XML file at the beginning of the script? Then supplying these arrays as variables at the appropriate spots in the script where it is hard coding the values.

  • "...supplying these arrays as variables at the appropriate spots in the script..."  This is exactly where I am.  In my head it seems this should be relatively simple but, unfortunately, I have a lot to learn with powershell.  I'll post a response once I have the placement and syntax sorted.   

  • "...supplying these arrays as variables at the appropriate spots in the script..."  This is exactly where I am.  In my head it seems this should be relatively simple but, unfortunately, I have a lot to learn with powershell.  I'll post a response once I have the placement and syntax sorted.   

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