Quick Connect Password Sync Delay

How we can determine how much time does Quick Connect takes to sync a user password For some connection it sync quickly for some connections it takes more than 45 min.

  • All password synchronizations are recorded to the QuickConnect Windows Event Log.

    You can see the time the original request is received and the time it is processed.

    Here's a little bit of Powershell code to help pull the raw data concerning successful password resets from the Quick Connect event log:

    $EventRange = $(Get-Date).AddHours(-24)

    $RawResets = @{}

    # InstanceID below is the Windows Event log Event ID

    $RawResets = Get-EventLog -LogName "QC Server" -After $EventRange -InstanceId "10205" -ComputerName "MYQCSERVER"

  • Hi Johnny 

    Thanks for you reply. How can we use this code for a specific user

  • When added to the code above, this code will give you a file with the list of users and the times their password resets were processed:

    $RawResets | select timegenerated,replacementstrings | %{

    $EventStrings = $_.replacementstrings

    # Extract the user name as Object ID from the events insertion strings

    $ObjectID = $EventStrings[2]

    # Check to make sure we really have a user name and if we do, add it to the output

    if ($ObjectID.Length -gt 1)


    # Add the user name to the data to be output

    $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'User' -Value $ObjectID

    $_ | select timegenerated,User | Export-Csv "Outputfile.txt" -Append -NoTypeInformation


    } # End of looping through data

  • Hi Johnny, 

    I have built it like this way(sorry I am not a scripting expert)

    $EventRange = $(Get-Date).AddHours(-24)

    $RawResets | select timegenerated,replacementstrings

    $EventStrings = $_.replacementstrings

    $RawResets = Get-EventLog -LogName "QC Server" -After $EventRange -InstanceId "10205" -ComputerName "WKTEK..."


    ****but it still gives an error******

    Get-EventLog : No matches found
    At C:\Users\a-pradeep.kumar\Desktop\New Text Document.ps1:7 char:14
    + $RawResets = Get-EventLog -LogName "QC Server" -After $EventRange -InstanceId "1 ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (:) [Get-EventLog], ArgumentException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : GetEventLogNoEntriesFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetEventLogCommand

  • Hi Johnny, 

    I have built it like this way(sorry I am not a scripting expert)

    $EventRange = $(Get-Date).AddHours(-24)

    $RawResets | select timegenerated,replacementstrings

    $EventStrings = $_.replacementstrings

    $RawResets = Get-EventLog -LogName "QC Server" -After $EventRange -InstanceId "10205" -ComputerName "WKTEK..."


    ****but it still gives an error******

    Get-EventLog : No matches found
    At C:\Users\a-pradeep.kumar\Desktop\New Text Document.ps1:7 char:14
    + $RawResets = Get-EventLog -LogName "QC Server" -After $EventRange -InstanceId "1 ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (:) [Get-EventLog], ArgumentException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : GetEventLogNoEntriesFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetEventLogCommand

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