Query attributes when creating a user

Is there a way to set the "edsvaSecondaryOwner" as necessary when a new User gets created?

*I´m quite new to AD & AR ;)

  • Aidar is correct.  The bonus is that because SecondaryOwners is a DN syntax attribute, the Web UI will give you a full-blown AD search dialog to help the user select the desired AD group or user.

    Another option is to automatically populate it using an AR workflow that fires after the user is created (user create is the workflow trigger / start condition) and sets the contents of the attribute based on some rule you establish - for example, with the name of the person who created the user.

  • Aidar is correct.  The bonus is that because SecondaryOwners is a DN syntax attribute, the Web UI will give you a full-blown AD search dialog to help the user select the desired AD group or user.

    Another option is to automatically populate it using an AR workflow that fires after the user is created (user create is the workflow trigger / start condition) and sets the contents of the attribute based on some rule you establish - for example, with the name of the person who created the user.

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