Database Replication

Can there be database replication between a 7.3 database and a 7.4 database? My apologies if this is a dumb question; I am struggling to find documentation that answers this inquiry.

Thank you kindly.

  • Hi Julia

    When you say replication, are you referring to configuration the Active Roles Administration Services as Publisher/Subscriber (rather than Standalone)? If so, its not a support configuration to have two different product versions/

    If you talking about replicating your virtual attribute values from 7.3 to 7.4 you could do this using the Active Roles Synchronisation Service (please note not all VA can be written via Synchronization Services as they are read-only as they are computed values).

    Could I ask why you're looking to replication between the two version, what's your use case?

    Kind regards


  • Thank you for your response! Much appreciated! My use case is that we are in the process of upgrading our servers between 7.3 and 7.4, but we didn't know that if we could just use the same 7.3 database between the two different versions. Turns out we can't, so I didn't know if replication was an option.

    Thanks for the feedback.

  • No problem,

    I'm assuming you've planned downtime to upgrade? After installing the new version, just remember to do the import of Config and History (depending on DB sizes the latter could time some time).