ARS Script Module - Notify edsvaSecondaryOwners after creating users works but not after copying users!


I am about to implement different script modules in our environment. All but one litle part works as expected.

If an administrator creates a user with a special kind of employeeType, i want the process to send the information to the selected SecondaryOwners (defined as a mandatory parameter, if SecondaryOwners is empty, it´s not possible to create a user with this special kind of employeeType).

Same behaviour should be recognized within the copying of any user-object. But thats the anoying doesn´t and i am getting angry Slight smile

Active Roles SDK tells me teh following about my chosen event handler: onPreCreate/onPostCreate: Object creation or copy requested/committed

This is the error i see in the eventlog of our Active Roles Server: At line: 27 char:1. You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.

Line 27 is marked in cyan color in my script below:


function onPostCreate($Request)

$Head = "<style>"
$Head +="BODY{background-color: #FFFFFF; font-family: Arial; font-size: 13px;}"
$Head +="</style>"

if ($Request.Class -ne "user") { return }
$EmployeeType = $Request.Get("employeeType")
if ($EmployeeType -like "Extern*") {

$SAMAccountName = $Request.Get("SAMAccountName")
$DN = $Request.Get("distinguishedName")
$AccountExpiresTEMP = Get-QADUser $SAMAccountName -IncludedProperties AccountExpires | Select-Object AccountExpires #$Request.Get("AccountExpires")
$AccountExpires = $AccountExpiresTEMP.AccountExpires

#edsvaSecondaryOwners join with ";" to split later.
$TEMPSecOwners = Get-QADUser $SAMAccountName -IncludedProperties @{Name=’edsvasecondaryowners’;Expression={[string]::join(“;”, ($_.edsvasecondaryowners))}} | Select-Object @{Name=’edsvasecondaryowners’;Expression={[string]::join(“;”, ($_.edsvasecondaryowners))}}

#All values saved in an array and split into rows
[ARRAY]$SecondaryOwners = $TEMPSecOwners.edsvasecondaryowners.ToString().split(";")

$Message = "<b>Blablabla</b>"
$Message += "<br><br>"
$Message += "<i><b>SamAccountName: </b></i>" + $SAMAccountName + "<br><br>"
$Message += "<i><b>DistinguishedName: </b></i>" + $DN + "<br><br>"

if($AccountExpires -eq $NULL){

$AccountExpires = "Kein Wert festgelegt / No defined value"


$Message += "<i><b>Ablaufdatum: </b></i>" + $AccountExpires + "<br><br>"

#There is no Object with more than 3 SecOwners, this is why 4 is more than enough values.
$Message += "<i><b>Manager: </b></i>" + $SecondaryOwners[0] + "<br>" + $SecondaryOwners[1] + "<br>" + $SecondaryOwners[2] + "<br>" + $SecondaryOwners[3] + "<br>"

$Body = ConvertTo-Html -Head $Head -body $Message

foreach($Verantwortlich in $SecondaryOwners){

$Empfaenger = $NULL
$Empfaenger = Get-QADUser $Verantwortlich -IncludedProperties mail -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object mail

#Mail versenden
$SmtpServer = ""
$from = ""
$subject = "Ein Benutzerkonto (Benutzer-Typ Extern) wurde erstellt!"

$smtp = New-Object$SmtpServer)
$mail = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
$mail.From = $from
$mail.Subject = $subject
$Mail.IsBodyHtml = $true
$mail.Body = $Body



Why does it work while creating a user but not copying? Any ideas?

Greetings @all


Parents Reply
  • Hi Johnny!

    Interesting KB, we can use this for some other attributes, thanks.

    For edsvaSecondaryOwners ther is no need to be copied, its just the issue that the filled in persons does not receive a message if we copy a user but if we use the wizard to create one, that is what makes no sense. We finish the same steps:

    create or copy user-object - fill in names -> "next",

    fill in password -> "next",

    fill in attributtes edsvaSecondaryOwners and employeeType -> "next",

    summary -> "next" -> "finish".

    Selected people in edsvaSecondaryOwners receive a mail only if it was the creation process but not the copy process.

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