Update HomeDirectory Field when User has a Specific Group added (and removed) to their account

I need to update the homedirectory field when an AD group containing "FranchiseRoyaltyAdmin" is added to their account. I also need to clear the homedirectory field when an AD group "FranchiseRoyaltyAdmin" is removed from their account. The group will be added after the user account is created.

How is the best way to accomplish this? I tried filtering on the Memberof field in the workflow when a group is added or removed, but am not having luck getting the workflow to fire.

  • IMO, it would be better to approach this by watching for add / remove members from your group.

    Have one change workflow trigger on the add member and one trigger on the remove member.

    You can specify the group name in the filtering section at the bottom of the workflow start conditions dialogue.

  • That makes sense. I have tried that option, but found when I use the "Change Object Properties" option in the workflow, it is trying to change the homedirectory on the group instead of the user. Is there another option or script I should be using to update the homedirectory value when the user is added or removed from the group above?

  • That makes sense. I have tried that option, but found when I use the "Change Object Properties" option in the workflow, it is trying to change the homedirectory on the group instead of the user. Is there another option or script I should be using to update the homedirectory value when the user is added or removed from the group above?
