How can I resolve ARS DG execution host based on OriginatingService GUID returned from AD Group LDAP query?

On a dynamic group, the QAD commandlets returns the property edsaDGOriginatingService - and with that, I know where the rebuild would occur from.

On the same group, an ADSI LDAP query of the group, There is an apparent GUID value in the XML extracted from AccountNameHistory called 'OriginatingService'

It appears to be a GUID value - but it does not match the objectGuid or GUID of the ARS service connection point in Active directory under "CN=Enterprise Directory Manager,CN=Aelita,CN=System,<DOMAIN>"

How can I resolve the OriginatingService 'guid' from accountname history to the execution host for that group?  possible?

  • Abbreviated Example:  Originaing service from this query doesn't appear to resolve to an attribute of the service connection point in AD - which contains the names of the hosts eligible to perform these DG rebuilds.  The 'GUID' and objectGuid values on the connection points do not match the apparent GUID referenced in the shortened accountNameHistory XML  below. (bolded)

    PS C:\tools> ([adsisearcher]"name=myDGgroupname").findone().properties.accountnamehistory

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <DynamicGroupXML Conditions="[0x3;8ed6;][DG]" OriginatingService="188958ba-c1bb-4e0f-8b9d-3a471e5514d2" TimeStamp="2020-12-25T06:00:00.2325202Z" />

  • Abbreviated Example:  Originaing service from this query doesn't appear to resolve to an attribute of the service connection point in AD - which contains the names of the hosts eligible to perform these DG rebuilds.  The 'GUID' and objectGuid values on the connection points do not match the apparent GUID referenced in the shortened accountNameHistory XML  below. (bolded)

    PS C:\tools> ([adsisearcher]"name=myDGgroupname").findone().properties.accountnamehistory

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <DynamicGroupXML Conditions="[0x3;8ed6;][DG]" OriginatingService="188958ba-c1bb-4e0f-8b9d-3a471e5514d2" TimeStamp="2020-12-25T06:00:00.2325202Z" />

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