Detect changes that occur in Active Directory (not AR) and trigger an action?


Is it at all possible for Active Roles to trigger off of a change made in the underlying Active Directory as opposed to within Active Roles itself?


  • A computer has BitLocker enabled and the keys are transferred to associated Active Directory computer object.
  • When Active Roles detects that the computer object now has keys or those keys have been updated, a script is triggered to do some thing.

I suspect this is not possible because when I check the Change Log in AR, there is no mention of keys being added to the computer object. I understand why this happens and didn't expect to see that in the AR logs, but I am just curious if there are any other methods for detecting something like this.



  • This can be done.  You just need to enable the detection of changes from the Dirsync control.  There is a school of thought that this type of detection can be impactful on the Active Roles Service's performance but it's worth a try as if you are doing this only a limited basis, it's not likely to be a big issue.

    You have to enable "Handle changes from DirSync control" option on the policy script that will detect the change.

    Here's a discussion of the concept:

  • I appreciate both you guys answering!

    Based on the KB and the linked forum post I think I understand how it would work.

    It appears to basically work the same way it would if you were dealing with ARS directly.

    A few additional questions:

    • Is there a log of for the DirSync? I ask only because I am not entirely sure what attribute I should be checking for. I will do some research to get the exact name of the attribute that AD uses to the store BitLocker key.
    • Performance wise, I would only be checking on computer objects and I will also implement the check to only process if the BitLocker is created. Do you think this could significantly hurt the performance of AR?
      • I will be curious to see how this is handled because the values aren't really updated, they are added to. 

    I will see if I can create just a short dummy script to just test the triggering, I am curious to see how it will.

    Thank you for your help guys!



  • There is no log for the DirSync event, as such, but there is a log for the script module. You can see examine the $Request and other Workflow objects by writing them to a file or by reviewing the Debugging log.

    Enable the logging by right-clicking on the script module in the Active Roles Console and go to Properties | Debugging

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  • - I implement my own log function in all of my scripts as I find the built-in debug logging very "unfriendly".  Here's an example:

    function Logit ($Text) # Simple function for creating timestamped log entries

    $LogPath = "\\ARServer\LogsShare\MyCurrentScriptName\MyCurrentScriptName_log.txt"

    $Timestamp = $(Get-Date -Format "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss").ToString()

    $Text = $Timestamp + " " + $Text

    Add-Content -Path $LogPath -Value $Text

    } # End of Logit function declaration

    # Here's some sample code

    Function MyPolicyScriptFunction ($Request)

    $RequestUser = $Request.DN

    Logit "In-process user is [$RequestUser]"
