Point Button in Web GUI

Hello Active Rollers,

I am trying to point a newly created button within the web interface to a specific OU. The button works via Workflow Policy, but having trouble figuring out how to point it to a specific OU.

Thank you!

Parents Reply
  • It sounds like what you are trying to do is "deprovision" the user.

    There is a built in menu item for that.  FYI, as part of the available built-in deprovisioning policy rules (steps that occur on a deprovision request), you can move a user to a different OU.  The built in Deprovision command will respect whatever deprovision policy is set on the OU you are sitting in.  You don't HAVE to create a policy per OU but you can if you want.  So if you wanted all of these Furloughed users to go to the OU "Furloughed" you can specify that in your deprovisioning policy.  Now if you need to be more sophisticated about all of this, then I would suggest spelling out your whole use case and we (the Active Rollers community - love that name) can offer you some suggestions.
