For my next impossible question … Can you embed dynamic content in hover-over custom command tool-tip in ARS wi?

First - Rocky … watch me pull a rabbit out of this hat.

I have a custom 'directory objects' menu item created on user object class in the ARS web interface, with visibility settings that show 'set attribute task', and once clicked, visibility settings replace that menu item with 'un-set attribute task'  do, then undo.

In the custom web interface command - in the section marked 'Command Tool Tip' - or in the section for 'confirmation message' is there any control to insert an existing stored VA value within the text?

In this instance, the 'set attribute task is setting a 3 day PIV exception.  One click, attribute set -> triggers workflow to change two UAC flags allowing a password for 3 days, drops the user in a group, and un-hides the password reset menu item.  All of that works - but the customer wants the future-date to show up <somewhere> so the help desk can tell their customer what day their access to a password will be revoked.

Date math - counting to 3 is really hard.   So, I am looking over the WI … looking for a landing spot to expose a value I store in a complementary VA.  When the exception occurs, the initial boolen value is marke TRUE - for 'excepted' and I have a secondary VA -currently unused that can be used to store the date string representing the (day of + 3 days) date that the user will be systemically removed from the PIV exception overnight.  

is there a way to dynamically display that information in the existing custom menu item text …

if not - my last resort is stuffing it on the general tab - or the bottom hide-away pane of info for the currently selected user …

where there  is  a will ...