Change Auditor report field ( Approver )

How can I set a Change Auditor report to show who has approved a requested?
For example:
A member has been added in a group and this group has more than one approver, I need to know which approver approved.

  • As far as I know, the current integration script between Active Roles and Change Auditor only sends Change Auditor the name of the initiator of an Active Roles transaction (such as an object change). 

    On the surface of it, it seems feasible to send other information but this would be a custom integration effort undertaken either by Quest Professional Services or a qualified Partner.

  • As far as I know, the current integration script between Active Roles and Change Auditor only sends Change Auditor the name of the initiator of an Active Roles transaction (such as an object change). 

    On the surface of it, it seems feasible to send other information but this would be a custom integration effort undertaken either by Quest Professional Services or a qualified Partner.

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