ARSS: DisableAccount as part of deprovisioning task

I have ARSS deprovisioning workflow which 1) moves account into certain OU 2) Disables it. I cannot seem to find an easy way to handle disablement option. I'll probably have to handle UserAccountControl as a part of Powershell script just want to see if better option exists? Thanks!

  • Is the Connection in the Sync Service connecting to AD through Active Roles? If so, the entire Deprovisioning process, including everything mentioned above, can be handled by an Active Roles Deprovisioning Policy. Disabling a user as part of the deprovision is a simple check box in the policy.

  • Is the Connection in the Sync Service connecting to AD through Active Roles? If so, the entire Deprovisioning process, including everything mentioned above, can be handled by an Active Roles Deprovisioning Policy. Disabling a user as part of the deprovision is a simple check box in the policy.
