Deprovision results via powershell

we have scripts to pull deprovision status from powershell and it seems like it worked in the past but no longer working. When we run connect-qadservice -proxy and then run the powershell command below we get results back but not the attributes for deprovision listed. Why is this happening?

connect-qadservice -proxy
get-qaduser -SamAccountName $samaccountname -IncludedProperties distinguishedname, enabled, deprovisionstatus, edsvadeprovisionstatus

our expectation is that we can pull the status to confirm deprovision was run properly via powershell

  • Note sure - enabled - is a property.  'AccountIsDisabled' is, so I rolled with that.

    (edit - had to change -automatic to -autoSize .. that's what I get for looking at specs on cars this morning)

    get-qaduser -SamAccountName $samaccountname -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties  -IncludedProperties distinguishedname, AccountIsDisabled, deprovisionstatus, edsvadeprovisionstatus | format-table -autoSize  distinguishedname, AccountIsDisabled, deprovisionstatus, edsvadeprovisionstatus

    when you're not scripting to share - and simply running a one-off command - I'm a big fan of the shortened names for command line options
    two space savers are -dudip -ip ... something I learned from Aidar

    -dudip = -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties
    -ip = includedProperties

  • Note sure - enabled - is a property.  'AccountIsDisabled' is, so I rolled with that.

    (edit - had to change -automatic to -autoSize .. that's what I get for looking at specs on cars this morning)

    get-qaduser -SamAccountName $samaccountname -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties  -IncludedProperties distinguishedname, AccountIsDisabled, deprovisionstatus, edsvadeprovisionstatus | format-table -autoSize  distinguishedname, AccountIsDisabled, deprovisionstatus, edsvadeprovisionstatus

    when you're not scripting to share - and simply running a one-off command - I'm a big fan of the shortened names for command line options
    two space savers are -dudip -ip ... something I learned from Aidar

    -dudip = -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties
    -ip = includedProperties

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