Can Active Roles take advantage of PowerShell version 7?

I was writing some code and it worked fine on my desktop. However, when I imported it into active roles, there were portions not functioning appropriately.

Turns out I was testing my code in PowerShell 7. As far as I can tell, Active Roles uses version 5.1. Can it be configured to call version 7 instead?

  • The Active Roles Management Shell can indeed be run in PowerShell 7. However, not all cmdlets are fully functional, and it's not a supported configuration.

    That being said, what does work has a significant performance boost.

    You can test this by creating a shortcut for this path and file (this is for Active Roles 8.1, adjust the path for different versions):

    "C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe" -noexit -command ". 'C:\Program Files\One Identity\Active Roles\8.1\Shell\ManagementShell.ps1'"

    Cmdlets from the ActiveRolesManagementShell module will mostly work. Cmdlets from the ActiveRolesConfiguration module will definitely not work.

    It is a big undertaking to change over the internal workings of Active Roles to leverage .NET Core, which is what PowerShell 7 is based on. We are looking into the possibility internally, but I can't make any promises yet.

  • The Active Roles Management Shell can indeed be run in PowerShell 7. However, not all cmdlets are fully functional, and it's not a supported configuration.

    That being said, what does work has a significant performance boost.

    You can test this by creating a shortcut for this path and file (this is for Active Roles 8.1, adjust the path for different versions):

    "C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe" -noexit -command ". 'C:\Program Files\One Identity\Active Roles\8.1\Shell\ManagementShell.ps1'"

    Cmdlets from the ActiveRolesManagementShell module will mostly work. Cmdlets from the ActiveRolesConfiguration module will definitely not work.

    It is a big undertaking to change over the internal workings of Active Roles to leverage .NET Core, which is what PowerShell 7 is based on. We are looking into the possibility internally, but I can't make any promises yet.

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