Workflow Trigger Add Member to group/ Remove member to group


i have two Workflows, one uses Trigger "add member to group" other one "remove member from group".

When I add a user to a group, both workflows are started at the same time.

the only difference is the "operation that starts this workflow"

The Event Id for both workflow says only "Operation: Modify Object" it doesnt go into detail

Should this work as intended.
A workflow starts when a user is added to a group. The other workflow starts when the user is removed from the group?

Workflow 1

Operation Conditions 

Add member to group

Target Object type: Group

Initiator Conditions 

Any User

Container > it is the OU where the Groups are located

Filtering Conditions

"name of Workflow Target" ends with "_EXAMPLE"

Workflow 2

Operation Conditions 

Remove member to group

Target Object type: Group

Initiator Conditions 

Any User

Container > it is the OU where the Groups are located

Filtering Conditions

"name of Workflow Target" ends with "_EXAMPLE"

  • Both workflows will execute when the Member attribute is modified. 

    I would put both steps in the same workflow and have an If-Then-Else branch for each that adds or removes from group. For me this has been an easier way to keep similar operations together.

    To Answer your question, 

    "Should this work as intended.
    A workflow starts when a user is added to a group. The other workflow starts when the user is removed from the group?"

    yes that's the intention.

  • Both workflows will execute when the Member attribute is modified. 

    I would put both steps in the same workflow and have an If-Then-Else branch for each that adds or removes from group. For me this has been an easier way to keep similar operations together.

    To Answer your question, 

    "Should this work as intended.
    A workflow starts when a user is added to a group. The other workflow starts when the user is removed from the group?"

    yes that's the intention.

  • what do you use in If to determine if the user is added or removed.

    i do have an If-Else Branch with "Member from Requested Changes" contains "DN of found Object" (i'm searching for group members before the if)

    so just would have to add the second If with does not contain

    It's just a bit confusing because the start condtion suggests it would take effect when adding or removing