Java Developer wants to programmatically manage group membership list

A developer has asked for a service account that can update the membership list of a few groups. 

I would normally give the service account a role or add it as a manager or secondary owner who can update the membership list. Then have the developer install the management shell and show them how to connect to ARS and use the quest cmdlets to perform the operation. This is a JAVA app that is running on Linux so he can't install the management shell or the ADSI Provider. 

Is there some other way that I could accommodate this request?

  • I feel like this must be close. 

    $cred = get-credential
    $body = @"
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap12="">
    <modifyRequest xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SPML:2:0" returnData="everything">
    <modification modificationMode="add">
    <attr name="member" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:DSML:2:0:core">
    <value>CN=Smith\, John (TEST),OU=Users,OU=TEST,OU=TEST,DC=TEST,DC=ny,DC=TEST</value>
    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'http://servername/ARServerSPML/SPMLProvider.asmx' -Credential $cred -Body $body -Method Post -ContentType 'application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8'

  • This isn't it either. 

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap12="">
        <modifyRequest xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SPML:2:0">
            <modification operation="add" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:DSML:2:0:core" />
               <attr name="member" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:DSML:2:0:core">
                 <value>"CN=Smith\, John (TEST),OU=Users,OU=TEST,OU=TEST,DC=TEST,DC=TEST,DC=TEST"</value>

  • This isn't it either. 

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap12="">
        <modifyRequest xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SPML:2:0">
            <modification operation="add" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:DSML:2:0:core" />
               <attr name="member" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:DSML:2:0:core">
                 <value>"CN=Smith\, John (TEST),OU=Users,OU=TEST,OU=TEST,DC=TEST,DC=TEST,DC=TEST"</value>

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