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Support LAPs in Active Roles



Is there any add-on to use LAPs in Active Roles? I can see the attribute but don´t have options to set a new date for expirate password.



  • By LAPs I assume you mean Local Administrative Passwords?

    You should be able to expose the attribute in the Web UI.

    The tricky bit is setting the value because it uses a long int (I believe) to store the value.

    It might be better to create & expose a virtual attribute (for example, edsvaLAPExpiresDate) - and use an ARS workflow to catch a modification to this and then use the appropriate LAP Powershell cmdlet to translate your desired data and set the expiration for you.

  • By LAPs I assume you mean Local Administrative Passwords?

    You should be able to expose the attribute in the Web UI.

    The tricky bit is setting the value because it uses a long int (I believe) to store the value.

    It might be better to create & expose a virtual attribute (for example, edsvaLAPExpiresDate) - and use an ARS workflow to catch a modification to this and then use the appropriate LAP Powershell cmdlet to translate your desired data and set the expiration for you.

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