I'm looking into using Active Roles to create/update Rooms in Places/Room Finder. The main attributes and Capacity etc are fine but there are attributes for audio, video and wheelchair accessible which don't seem to be accessible to Active Roles. They show as Features in Room Finder in Outlook. I can list them all with the command:
Get-Place -Type Room | Format-Table Identity, Type, AudioDeviceName, IsWheelChairAccessible, VideoDeviceName, DisplayDeviceName
and I'd like to show these attributes in AR, both by requesting them when a room is created and being able to edit them in the console.
Has anyone else tried to see these? When I go to Create an entry in the Customise menu I can't find it so I'm guessing I might need to use a custom attribute linked to the Places attribute, is there a way I can add these and keep them up to date?