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Active Roles Server Auto Deprovission

Hello all,

With the help of members I have created a managed unit which houses users who have not logged on for over 90 days.

and alos recieved help with script/ task to auto deprovision.

However, I have come across below situation.

User's are de-provisioned over night every night.

Desk get call from manager to re-provision an account, ready for user to start in the morning or (within 5 days) they do so as requested.

task runs over night and de-provisiones the account again

How can I exclude accounts that have been reprovisioned within the last 5 days.

  • John posed a good question. I would add by saying that this document shows how to compare dates when building a managed unit. You can create a VA that is updated with the deprovision date and store its value in the database. Then modify the script in the document to compare today's date versus the depro date VA, adding for the time period you need (5 days).

  • John posed a good question. I would add by saying that this document shows how to compare dates when building a managed unit. You can create a VA that is updated with the deprovision date and store its value in the database. Then modify the script in the document to compare today's date versus the depro date VA, adding for the time period you need (5 days).

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