• Reset Passwords for users in a specific OU

    Hi There

    we have a new HR system that is using Powershell to Create users. Unfortunately, this does not output the passwords so we cannot send them to the managers.

    Is there a way to reset the passwords for any users that get created in this OU using…

  • Is it possible to apply a VA value to multiple users in one pass?

    I have a few thousand users to apply a VA value to - in order for a DynamicGroup to pull them in as members.

    Other than my normal practice, of looping through the list - is there an array way to feed set-qaduser an attributeValue append that would take…

  • Set-QADUser failing with variable??

    I have this script in a workflow and this line fails when I use a variable

    set-Qaduser -identity agntest\$usr -ObjectAttributes @{employeetype = $UserEmpType}

    If I put text it works fine.

    set-Qaduser -identity agntest\$usr -ObjectAttributes @{employeetype…

  • set-QADUser Question Help

    Anybody know how to use Replace with set-QADUser?

    Trying to switch email suffix on users through a workflow. 

    $workflow.ActivityTarget("CreateDev511Account") is the name of the activity target. The workflow creates a user earlier with the old…