Unified Identity Platform with One Identity and Unite 2023

What is a Unified Identity Platform? 

The more accounts your users create in order to access the applications, services, etc., they need to get their work done, the more at risk your organization grows to ever-increasing cyberattacks. Why? Your IT team has to keep track of, monitor and protect all of the accounts in your organization. More than half of large organizations maintain about 25 separate silos of user data and 20% have more than 100 systems to maintain and secure. Adding unnecessary accounts for each environment and system creates potential blind spots that cybercriminals love taking advantage of. Controlling identity sprawl and the resulting cybersecurity gaps is critical to securing your organization’s data and reputation. Cue unified identity security. 

Managing user permissions, privileged access, authentication and verification and analytics and compliance metrics is a lot to keep up with if you have to do all these tasks on different platforms. A Unified Identity Platform brings them all together, closing cybersecurity gaps, reducing risk, increasing operational efficiency and bringing governance to the far reaches of your enterprise. 

What are the Benefits of the Unified Identity Platform? 

A Unified Identity Platform: 

  • Takes a fragmented approach to identity security and brings together all aspects of identity management to give you a holistic approach 
  • Breaks down silos of user data to correlate user information 
  • Delivers end-to-end governance and security to traditionally unrelated platforms and environments 
  • Centralizes user data 
  • Automates governance processes 
  • Continuously verifies everything before granting access to your most important assets to increase situational awareness so anomalies can be quickly dealt with 

How Can I Create My Own Unified Identity Platform? 

One Identity UNITE 2023 in Miami on March 14-16 is a great place to get started on your journey to unifying your identity security. Our speaker lineup of industry, subject matter, product and technical experts are so excited to share all the knowledge you need to enhance your identity security strategy and unify your approach. We hope to see you soon in beautiful Miami! 

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