why this englishman is attending one identity unite 2023

I don’t drink coffee, I take tea, my dear 

I like my toast done on one side 

And you can hear in my accent, it’s uncanny 

I’m an Englishman in Miami 

If Sting had been writing about a different city, I bet he would have used the above lyric. Or maybe not. Either way, this Englishman is heading to Miami for UNITE in March. 

UNITE is the premier, global event for One Identity and we’re unpacking all that wonderful goodness you have come to expect, again for you, our wonderful customers. 

As someone who travels a fair amount for work, I am always fascinated by the cultures, languages and people who I am lucky enough to meet. Yes, there is a fair amount of taxi to hotel to office and back again, but there is also the chance to wander the cities I visit.  

Every city has its own feel and energy, and this is why I am excited to be a part of UNITE in Miami. Firstly, let me apologize to all Sting fans for the above lyric, but I felt inspired listening to the song and what it really all means: We take our culture with us as we travel and cannot help but to compare.    

We should all embrace the differences and bathe in the knowledge that we all share a common purpose: To succeed, to be the best at what we do, to understand and to do all that without fear.  Call it a cliché, but as I was growing up in the 80s, who was it that protected Miami? Yup, Crockett and Tubbs. Come on, you knew there was a Miami Vice link coming sometime. 

In our own little area of industry, One Identity takes protection very seriously. We are looking to protect our customers from anyone who is looking to take advantage of the people who work for them. Identity and Access Management is a good start, but the threat actors out there aren’t keeping still. We need to evolve, change and adapt as well. Only by bringing together all of the aspects of cybersecurity can you truly see where the gaps are and what everyone is doing. Any other strategy will leave space to be exploited and lead to negative front-page news. This unified approach is baked into the One Identity solutions and philosophy. 

Come to Miami, drink tea, meet your peers in the industry and learn about Unified Identity with us at UNITE. Don’t forget to shake the hand of this Englishman in Miami. 

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