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Can I import data from ADMT in Quest Manager?

I am looking at an ADS migration that has used ADMT to migrate users and SID history.  There is a server migration piece to be completed and QMM looks like the best tool.  However, it would need the ADS migration data to make it effective so is there any way to import the info/data from ADMT into Quest?

  • No, there is not import capability, but you really don't need to. Assuming SID History is still in place, you can run a Migration Session or Directory Sync, and match the migrated account on SID History. That will build the Source/Target account mapping needed for the server migration. Even if SID History is not in place, there are other methods to achieve this.
  • No, there is not import capability, but you really don't need to. Assuming SID History is still in place, you can run a Migration Session or Directory Sync, and match the migrated account on SID History. That will build the Source/Target account mapping needed for the server migration. Even if SID History is not in place, there are other methods to achieve this.
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