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Sample of INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE to an Oracle Database


Can someone please provide sample piece of code to do INSERT (or UPDATE/DELETE) to an external Oracle database. 

How to handle Oracle stored procedure calls? Some samples would be great. 


  • Here's a script that I found in an archive, I can't guarantee it's using the correct types for version 7 of 1IM, might give you a leg up...

            References Devart.Data.Oracle.dll
            Imports Devart.Data.Oracle   
            References Devart.Data.dll
            Imports Devart.Data
    #End If
    Public Function Call_Update_Disabled(ByVal sUserName As String, ByVal sConnection As String) As Integer
            ' Stored procedure names
            Const cSPName As String = "XXXXXXX"
            Const cParm1Name As String = "i_loginname"
            Const cParm2Name As String = "o_success"
            Const cParm3Name As String = "o_errormessage"
            ' Status variables
            Dim iSuccess As Int32 = 0
            Dim sErrMsg As String = String.Empty
            Dim conn As New OracleConnection(sConnection)
                   ' Define and configure the command as a stored procedure
                   Dim cmd As New OracleCommand
                   cmd.Connection = conn
                   cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
                   cmd.CommandText = cSPName
                   ' Parameter for username
                   Dim p1 As OracleParameter = cmd.Parameters.Add(cParm1Name, OracleDbType.NVarChar, ParameterDirection.Input)
                   p1.Value = sUserName
                   ' Parameter for success
                   Dim p2 As OracleParameter = cmd.Parameters.Add(cParm2Name, OracleDbType.Number, ParameterDirection.Output)
                   p2.Value = 0
                  ' Parameter for Error Message
                   Dim p3 As OracleParameter = cmd.Parameters.Add(cParm3Name, OracleDbType.NVarChar, ParameterDirection.Output)
                   p3.Value = String.Empty
                   ' Collate status values
                   iSuccess = CInt(p2.Value)
                   sErrMsg = p3.Value.ToString
                   AppData.Instance.RaiseMessage(MsgSeverity.Info, "Result=" & iSuccess.ToString & ", Error Message=" & sErrMsg)
            Catch ex As Exception
                   Throw New Exception(ex.Message,ex.InnerException)   
            End Try
            If iSuccess <> 1 Then
                   Throw New Exception(String.Format("Error: {0}",sErrMsg))   
                   Return iSuccess
            End If
    End Function