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Full object replace for the PowerShell connector

When integrating with a system via the PowerShell connector, is there an option to configure "Object Replace" where the entire object is sent to configured custom commands rather than just the properties that have been modified?

  • Thanks Markus,

    I expected that to be the answer to the problem. In some situations where OneIM is completely authoritative it might make more sense to read back to the OneIM DB ( save expensive WAN network calls for example) but the premise would be the same.

    Is there a chance that an Object Replace type configuration might become available? Whilst it might be possible to emulate an object replace using the ForceSyncOf process parameter (or forward or backwards lookups) it could get messy (with parameters or processes) on generic tables such as UNSAccountB. It would certainly be nicer to have a configuration check box in the generic connectors to enable this type of update.

    Would it be a better approach to use a more standard Web Services integration approach and forgo the use of the PowerShell (and target system sync) all together? Obviously the use of one of the generic connectors affords a lot of benefits in terms of sync processing, logging, attribute mapping etc but there are a lot of web service (and other API’s) that are written for object replace rather than discrete updates.

  • Thanks Markus,

    I expected that to be the answer to the problem. In some situations where OneIM is completely authoritative it might make more sense to read back to the OneIM DB ( save expensive WAN network calls for example) but the premise would be the same.

    Is there a chance that an Object Replace type configuration might become available? Whilst it might be possible to emulate an object replace using the ForceSyncOf process parameter (or forward or backwards lookups) it could get messy (with parameters or processes) on generic tables such as UNSAccountB. It would certainly be nicer to have a configuration check box in the generic connectors to enable this type of update.

    Would it be a better approach to use a more standard Web Services integration approach and forgo the use of the PowerShell (and target system sync) all together? Obviously the use of one of the generic connectors affords a lot of benefits in terms of sync processing, logging, attribute mapping etc but there are a lot of web service (and other API’s) that are written for object replace rather than discrete updates.

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