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PersonHasTSBAccountDef - Keep Account Definition (Target Account) after losing inheritance

Hi All,

I've got a requirement to essentially keep a target system account if it ever inherited access to it.

This is due to audit requirements to never delete target system accounts for a number of systems.

What I have done in version 6 is on a PersonHasRessourceTotal insert we would then insert a PersonHasResource. This would ensure that if the user lost the indirect inheritance of the Ressource, they'd keep the target system account.

As the total table has gone in version 7 onwards I'm a bit confused on how this is done on PersonHasTSBAccountDef.

I can see that we have a method called 'AssignDirect' - although firing this in Object Browser and a Process does nothing to the XOrigin value. Which i expect would get converted from 2 to 3.

Inserting a new object relation via Object Browser doesn't work either as I am violating a primary key constraint.

I can see this is possible though. In manager, I can assign the TSBAccountDefintion to a user with indirect inheritance already. Doing this then adjusts XOrigin on the PersonHasTSBAccountDef record to 3. Representing direct and indirect assignment.

Therefore, does anyone know what Manager is doing and how I can replicate this on a process for PersonHasTSBAccountDef?