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How to check what has triggered a process.


I have a question regarding jobs in JobQue.

In JobQue, we can see many different processes, and in the "Process step" window we can see many information for those processes.

Is it possible to figure it out what (or who) has triggered particular process, how can I check that?

  • You can identify who has triggered the action that generated the process using the XUserInserted property in the process step window.

  • Thank you for the answer. Do I understand this correctly?

    When I see "sa" I guess this is created by the system

    When I trigger something there is my key in this field

    But what does it mean for example QBM_GJobQueue.PJobCreate?

    And can I check why system "sa" has triggered something - is there any tree of dependencies, that some process was triggered because some other proces has been triggered?

  • Yes, sa means created by the system (mostly but not exclusively a job running on the Job Service).

    If you trigger something, your logged in username is stored (The same that is displayed in the status bar in the rich clients).

    I think that QBM_GJObQueue.PJobCreate will appear if the Job has been created by an HandleObject Component but I am not certain.

    The question about the why cannot be answered in general. As the system works asynchronously and parallel a call tree is not something that can be achieved easily.

    A starting point is the GenProcID of the originating event that is stored across subsequent calls and events. You can check DialogWatchOperation and DialogProcess... to find related operations and processes.

  • Yes, sa means created by the system (mostly but not exclusively a job running on the Job Service).

    If you trigger something, your logged in username is stored (The same that is displayed in the status bar in the rich clients).

    I think that QBM_GJObQueue.PJobCreate will appear if the Job has been created by an HandleObject Component but I am not certain.

    The question about the why cannot be answered in general. As the system works asynchronously and parallel a call tree is not something that can be achieved easily.

    A starting point is the GenProcID of the originating event that is stored across subsequent calls and events. You can check DialogWatchOperation and DialogProcess... to find related operations and processes.
