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Error when requesting for Business Role


  1. defined Custom Target System with several groups
  2. defined Business Roles
  3. assigned specific CTS groups to those roles

When user requesting for role is getting error:

[810306] Error during execution of 'OnSaving' in logic module 'QER.Customizer.PersonWantsOrg'.
[2133313] The requested assignment cannot be created.
[810023] Error during execution of statement: insert into PersonInOrg (UID_Org, UID_Person, XOrigin, xdateinserted, xuserinserted, xdateupdated, xuserupdated, xobjectkey) values ('0fbeb7bd-1693-4f6e-8b42-2e6fb32076fc', 'd36c2397-2691-4adb-8dff-4cdf0f7a46ca', 8, GetUTCDate(), N'KACZOM8', GetUTCDate(), N'KACZOM8', '<Key><T>PersonInOrg</T><P>0fbeb7bd-1693-4f6e-8b42-2e6fb32076fc</P><P>d36c2397-2691-4adb-8dff-4cdf0f7a46ca</P></Key>')
[810143] Database error 50000: re-throw in Procedure QER_PAssignmentCheckValid, Line 9
[810143] Database error 50000: detected in (SRV=IDMDB, DB=D1IM) Procedure QER_PAssignmentCheckValid, Line 4
[810143] Database error 50000: Cannot make assignment because not permitted according to OrgRootAssign information.

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