SAP HCM OrhEH sync error (ver. 8.0)


in my case of sync error:

organization units are not imported after the synchronization attempt.

Error is "Not all mandatory properties are defined!" in initial synchronization log.

I'm use a base mapping templates 

How to fix?

May be anyone had this error 

  • Hello,
    The error might be caused, because not all of the HROrgUnits in SAP have a Name. If the table Department doesn't have any custom changes the DepartmentName is the only mandatory property. In the base mapping name is mapped against the departmentName. Please check, if there are HROrgUnits with an empty property Name.

    You're welcome

  • Hello,
    The error might be caused, because not all of the HROrgUnits in SAP have a Name. If the table Department doesn't have any custom changes the DepartmentName is the only mandatory property. In the base mapping name is mapped against the departmentName. Please check, if there are HROrgUnits with an empty property Name.

    You're welcome

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