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Creating Home Folder in AD using exact credentials

I have a problem with the creating of home folder for AD Accounts. We don't have Job Service on the home server, so I had to customize default process to make this process to be executed by our job servers.

Everything works fine in development environment. I thought that OIM used credentials from the AD connector (which I entered in sync editor), but I was wrong.

Now I see that OIM tries to create home folder using credentials from "Logon As" of job service. (I use process task "FileComponent - CreatePath" for creating  and "FileComponent - ModifyFileAccess_Win32"  for setting rights)


We can’t get rights for Job Server account for creating folders.

So I tried to create process with using process task “PowerShellComponent – Execute Script” with script:

“Imports System

Imports System.Collections.Generic


Dim strLogin As String = Get_Encrypted_Login($XObjectKey$)

Dim strPassword As String =  "&Out(DecryptedPwd)&"



Dim script As New StringBuilder()

script.Append("$creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential -ArgumentList """)

script.Append( strLogin )

script.Append( """,(ConvertTo-SecureString """)

script.Append( strPassword )

script.Append(""" –AsPlainText -force)")



script.Append("Start-Process cmd.exe -ArgumentList ""/c mkdir ")


script.Append(""" -Credential $creds")



Value = script.ToString() ”


When I use such PowerShell script in PowerShell console it creates folder (with the same creds), but it doesn’t create folder from the process, though I don’t get any errors (process finishes successfully). May be I can’t use command “Start-Process” ?

How can I solve my problem and create folder using necessary creds?