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Add new employee button is greyed out v7.1.3


Is anyone aware of a defect on the web portal that will not allow people to add new employees?

I have the proper conditions but something is not allowing users that don;t have any sponsored account to "Add New employees"

I have a ticket in with support but was wondering if anyone else has seen this.

I've tried the two following conditions for "Employees authorized to add and edit employees". Both of which do not seem to work.

See screenshots.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Parents Reply
  • Markus,

    I found it. The application role Employee Manager looks like it is what the users need. This makes the button available for the person.
    I think i want to change the dynamic role to include all internal employees and leave out the externals.

    This should give me what i need.

    I need to allow all internal employees the ability to sponsor accounts regardless if they are a true manager.

    Thank you for the video and taking the time.


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