Error Employees: Viewing permission denied for value "Risk index (calculated)


From this example:

I configure my custom application role for employee editing.

I use this:




"EXISTS (select 1 from (select uid_person from personinaerole where exists (select 1 from (select UID_AERole from AERole where Ident_AERole = 'Specialist IS') as x where x.UID_AERole=personinaerole.uid_aerole)) as X)"


And for VI_Employee_Person_Filter:


"uid_person in (select uid_person from QER_VEditEmployee where uid_personhead = '%useruid%') or exists ( select 1 from PersonInAERole where UID_Person = '%useruid%' and UID_AERole in (select UID_AERole from AERole where Ident_AERole = 'Specialist IS'))"


But when I try to select employee I saw error:

One or more errors occurred.
Employees: Viewing permission denied for value "Risk index (calculated)".
  • Hello,

    That code should be fine.  It looks like this is just view permissions on the column referenced, RiskIndexCalculated@Person, as the portal displays this for Employees.  A Manager would have this permission, but perhaps your role users do not.  In which case you could assign a permissions group to that AE Role and modify permissions for the column.


  • Hello,

    i have another issue, all above things are ok but i need to make manager field editable in Add  New Employee form using Application Custom role based Users.

    i got this error when make read only permission false of  "manager' field

    An exception has occurred while executing the form method AutoCompleteData_F0_ctl00_ControlRef8_ControlRef15_ControlRef15_ControlRef8b_Main_Main_R0_ControlRef1_ControlRef1_ControlRef5_ctl06_Container6_ColumnEditor2_Container2_AutoComplete1.
    The search index is currently not available.
    (2019-10-17 15:28:08)
    your help is highly appreciated

  • Hello,

    i have another issue, all above things are ok but i need to make manager field editable in Add  New Employee form using Application Custom role based Users.

    i got this error when make read only permission false of  "manager' field

    An exception has occurred while executing the form method AutoCompleteData_F0_ctl00_ControlRef8_ControlRef15_ControlRef15_ControlRef8b_Main_Main_R0_ControlRef1_ControlRef1_ControlRef5_ctl06_Container6_ColumnEditor2_Container2_AutoComplete1.
    The search index is currently not available.
    (2019-10-17 15:28:08)
    your help is highly appreciated
